Where is your business located?
2502 Beech St., Ste. 40, Valparaiso, IN 46383
What year did you start your business?
How can a customer connect with you?
Phone: 219-246-5163 | E-mail: [email protected] | Website: airishtours.com | Facebook | Instagram
I’ve alway had a deep passion for travel. I’ve been fortunate to have visited many countries and experienced the wonders of travel. Opening a travel agency allowed me the opportunity to share my knowledge and travel experiences with clients interested in travel. I absolutely love working with and helping clients plan for their trip of a lifetime.
“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regrets ” Oscar Wild
Listen to your clients, take nothing for granted
What do your customers like best about your business?
What unique product or service do you offer your customers?
Being a storefront travel agency. Clients can stop by our office anytime during business hours. There will always be a warm “Cead Mile Failte” (one hundred thousand welcomes ) from owner, Martin Hughes and fellow travel agents
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Located within our office, we have an Irish gift shop, Irish Collection. We sell a wide array of Irish handmade crafts, clothing and jewelry
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